Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fawns, Mailboxes and Trusting God

Today a Facebook friend posted this, “The voice of the LORD makes the deer give birth and strips the forests bare, and in his temple all cry, "Glory!" holy crap! That's power!

I have been thinking about this all morning. First of all my mom will probably yell at me for using the word “crap”, but I have to clarify that I copied it word for word from someone else’s status mom. As sons and daughters of “Father God” do we recognize the power that we have access too?

Recently I was having a similar discussion with a friend that is struggling with the concept of “trusting the Lord…completely.” I was sharing a story of when I was a teenager my youth leader did a devotion on having faith. If I have the faith the size of a mustard seed I can move mountains. I went home that night thinking that I may not have the faith to move a mountain but I definitely have faith. I prayed that night, with all the faith that I had that God would move our mailbox across the road. I may not be able to move a mountain…but a mailbox…YES SIR! The next morning I woke up, jumped out of bed and ran to look outside. Much to my disappointment the mailbox had not been moved. I remember as a teenager that this devastated me and my faith. I was so insignificant that I couldn’t pray a mailbox across the road. I remember confronting my dad later that night about my frustration. He shared with me two very important things. First of all, if I really had the faith that I said I did, and if I truly believed that God would move that mailbox, why did I go check in the morning to see if it was done? Secondly, what benefit could possibly arise from having our mailbox on the opposite side of the road as everyone else. It would only confuse our mail lady.

You see, we tend to trust God in our words, but do we REALLY trust Him with our lives and all the circumstances that surround us. How often do you “check to see if the mailbox is across the road”? Why do we live in a society that is so amazed with miracles? Has God changed from the bible times? I don’t think so….

God guided the Israelites in the wilderness with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. The cloud and fire moved according to God’s will. When they moved the people moved, when they stopped the people stopped. We honor God when we trust him completely regardless if we know the plan. The Israelites didn’t have prerequisites when they started walking. God has a plan...period. It is time that we start trusting God with everything. It is time that we stop questioning God and making sure that he “knows what he’s doing”.

So we serve a God that is HUGE, we serve a God that is powerful. He is so powerful that his voice makes the deer give birth and strips the forests bare, and in his temple all cry, "Glory!” This God that can do these things with His voice is taking care of you…He has a plan and you don’t need to know it. Trust Him….completely!

Sorry Mom…..I have to say it “Holy Crap! That's Power!”